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Writer's pictureWye Valley Shiatsu

Wellbeing from Within: Creative Movement Explorations

Last year I completed my MA in Creative Arts, (Arts, Health and Wellbeing) at the University of South Wales. It was an incredible course where I met some amazing artists and tutors all of whom are passionately involved with designing and running interventions, workshops, programmes and projects using arts to support and enhance wellbeing for all involved.

The course was basically split into three sections:

  • Developing, resuming and initiating your artistry and creative passions

  • Trialling a small creative wellbeing project with a group (and ALL the research and data collection involved with that!)

  • Scoping, planning and developing a more ambitious project with all the expected write ups and reports for this qualification.

I chose to return to creative dance but instead focussed inwards on the somatic benefits of this type of exploration at the same time becoming more skilled in creating short movement films: some in nature, some exploring Five Element theory, some with others and some in a teaching space. My YouTube channel Moving Sense Making Sense can be accessed here where you can see the film collection.

Later in the year, I saw a call out by the Shiatsu Society for their quarterly journal on how Shiatsu has encouraged other explorations and submitted a write up of my final MA project entitled Wellbeing from Within: Creative Movement Explorations which uses Five Element theory as a basis for somatic movement exploration and creativity.

A copy of this write up which was published in the Shiatsu Society Journal Summer 2022 - Issue 162 and my article can be read here:

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